Lewerentz Divine Darkness

National Cinema Release in Sweden 31/5-2024 at Folkets Bio

A cultural-historical portrait of the renowned and enigmatic architect Sigurd Lewerentz, who rarely allowed himself to be captured on film.

Sigurd Lewerentz is one of the most famous Swedish architects, considered a master of the profession internationally. His unique solutions were decades ahead of their time.

Lewerentz did not want to be filmed or interviewed. His person, like his buildings, is surrounded by a mysterious aura.

But in a root cellar in Lund, there is an unknown treasure. Film reels and audio tapes recorded by the architect Bernt Nyberg with Lewerentz during his last years are stored here. From the cellar, a cultural-historical journey begins, where the stylistic traces of Lewerentz within Nordic architecture become palpable.

Classicism and modernism converge in a poetic brutality that awakens our deepest and most archaic cultural memories.

Press material link

Screenings of Lewerentz Divine Darkness
Kyoto Art festival (December?) 2024
Turku (November 22nd) 2024
Helsinki (November 21st) 2024
Dramstad, Germany (TBA) 2024
Lund Architecture Film Festival at St Petri Church in Klippan, Sweden (October 12th) 2024
Rotterdam International Architecture Film Festival (Oct 10th) 2024
Prague International Architecture Film Festival (early Oct) 2024
Stockholm, Riksförsäkringsanstalten (The National Insurance Institute) August 26th.

Dublin August 22nd 2024, at The Irish Architecture Archive, screening together with finissage for Neighbours in Space and Time: Grafton Architects at Sir John Soane’s Museum.
London, Barbican, Architecture Foundation (23rd July) 2024
Basel, Switzerland (private) July 2024

JUNE 2024:  Continued showings in Swedish cinemas at Folkets Bio

Stockholm, Sweden, Cinema release at Zita, 31st May 2024
Malmö, Sweden, Cinema release at Panora, 1st June 2024
Lund, Sweden, Cinema release at Kino, 31st May 2024
Gothenburg, Sweden, Cinema release at Hagabion, 31st May 2024
Västerås, Sweden, Cinema release at Electra, 31st May 2024

Manuva Architectura, art festival Italy, 10/5, 2024
NEXTMIXING Space in Shanghai, China 12/4, 2024
China Academy of Art in Hangzhou, China 9/4, 2024
Time Museum in Guangzhou, China 6/4, 2024
Commaa gallery, LAAB architects, Hong Kong, 3/4 2024
Hong Kong University, Hong Kong 2/4 2024
Archiposition, Shenzhen, China, 31/3 2024
ADFF Architecture + Design Film Festival Winnipeg,  Canada, 23/3 2024
Budapest Architecture Film Festival, Hungary, 9/4 2024,
Premiere at Tempo Festival, Sweden, 7/4 2024

PRODUCER William Johansson, Laika Film & Television
EDITOR Eva Hillström
CINEMATOGRAPHER Per Kristiansen, Sven Blume
COMPOSER Emma Nordenstam, David Svedmyr
COLORIST Per Kristiansen

In co production with SVT (swedish broad cast) K-special, YLE and Film Stockholm.

With suport from The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Helgo Zettervalls fond (Statens fastighetsverk), Helge Ax:son Johnsons stiftelse, Kulturfonden för Sverige och Finland.

Sigurd Lewerentz is one of the best known Swedish architects around the world. In the film we discover unpublished 16 mm footage of him as well as previously unknown audio recordings of his voice. This is the film about Sigurd Lewerentz.

Mariana Manner
Beata von Uexküll
Bernt Nyberg
Olle Dahl

Beata von Uexküll
Bernt Nyberg
Caroline Constant
Eva Larsson
Gennaro Postiglione
Jan Johansson
Janne Ahlin
Juhani Pallasmaa
Kieran Long
Mariana Manner

Matthew Hall
Petra Gipp
Shelly McNamara
Sigurd Lewerentz
Sivert Lindblom
Yvonne Farrell

Malmö_Opera_Photo Per Kristiansen
St Peter Photo Per Kristiansen
Tempo festival screening at St Marks Church. Photo: Mikael Ström Jupiter, Film Stockholm
Tempo festival screening at St Marks Church. Photo: Mikael Ström Jupiter, Film Stockholm
Tempo festival screening at St Marks Church. Photo: Mikael Ström Jupiter, Film Stockholm
Tempo festival screening at St Marks Church. Photo: Mikael Ström Jupiter, Film Stockholm

Screening at Commaa, LAAB Architects Hong Kong.
Photo Catherine Cheng


Shenzhen screening Photo: Archiposition


HKU screening
Commaa LAAB architects, Photo Catherine Cheng
Photo Catherine Cheng
Photo ArchiPosition
Photo ArchiPosition

Poster for Hong Kong University Screeing
Lewerentz outside his home in Lund, photo Bernt Nyberg
Chapel of the Resurrection, 1925
The Woodland Cemetery entrance

Lewerentz black box/office, photo Bernt Nyberg
Östra  kyrkogården, Malmö, ArkDes